5 Useful Travel Tips for Visiting Shakopee, MN
You’ve been sitting at that desk staring down the clock since 9 o’clock this morning, and the seconds keep dragging on. You can’t keep doing this day after day, and you know that you need a change. We here at Shakopee CVB know just the remedy to your situation. You need a trip to Shakopee, MN. So go ahead and pack your bags, because here are 5 useful travel tips for visiting us here in Shakopee, MN.
Pack Your Hiking Shoes
You may be wondering, “What are some great things to do in Minnesota, anyway?” Here in Shakopee, we believe that the world is right at your fingertips, and with our extensive hiking trails that fact really proves true. Whether you are an experienced outdoorsman or just getting off of your couch for the first time in a month, our trails have something beautiful to offer you. Full of wildlife and nature, each hike that you take will be different. Don’t forget to pack your hiking shoes when preparing for this trip because our scenery is something you will never forget!
Hold on Tight
Not one for hiking? Consider visiting one of our nearby amusement parks! Once there, you will find fun rides and adventures for every member of your family to enjoy. Whether you want a water ride that soaks you to the bone or a roller coaster that twists and turns, we’ve got you covered. Be prepared to hold on tight for this experience of a lifetime.
Brush Up on Your History
Before you head our way, brush up on the history that we here in Shakopee have to offer. You might be surprised, but there are hidden treasures all throughout the area just waiting for you to explore and learn from. Take, for instance, Murphy’s Landing. This wonderful area of land allows you to step back in time to an era before smartphones and cubicles. Experience what it was like to live in these historic buildings with the help of costumed professionals leading you throughout your journey. Murphy’s Landing is a place of fun for the entire family, and will leave you refreshed as you enter back into the 21st century.
Sharpen Your Swing
It would be in your best interest to practice a few swings of your golf club before you head our way to Shakopee so that you can take advantage of all the intricate golf courses we have to offer. Need a few lessons? Feel free to sign up, or just go ahead at your own pace. Our gorgeous grounds will help you relax and forget about all your worries, except making par.
Keep an Open Schedule and Mind
The absolute best tip when it comes to traveling to Shakopee, MN is to keep an open mind and schedule. Sometimes the best experiences are the unplanned ones, so give yourself a couple of hours, or even a whole day, to simply explore our lovely part of the world. Stop by the local ice cream shop for a cone, or simply walk down our friendly streets—family fun adventure is waiting around every corner is Shakopee!
The next time that you can’t keep your eyes off the clock at work, remember all of the incredible things to do in Minnesota and start planning your trip to Shakopee! Remember to pack your hiking shoes, hold on tight, brush up on your history, sharpen your swing, and keep an open mind and schedule when traveling to our great city. Shakopee is looking forward to having you and your family visit!